
Akzeptanz von Micropayments - niemand will das!

16.05.2001 07:35 - Gestartet von olaf.titz
Bevor irgendjemand behauptet, die Kunden waeren nur scharf darauf, fuer jede aufgerufene Seite zu zahlen, sollte er dringend folgenden Artikel durchlesen:

'Why does it matter that users hate micropayments? Because users are the ones with the money, and micropayments do not take user preferences into account.

In particular, users want predictable and simple pricing. Micropayments, meanwhile, waste the users' mental effort in order to conserve cheap resources, by creating many tiny, unpredictable transactions. Micropayments thus create in the mind of the user both anxiety and confusion, characteristics that users have not heretofore been known to actively seek out.'